When the clock struck midnight on 31 December, 2019 and we entered a new decade, not for one second can many of us say we saw a global pandemic on the horizon… the events of 2020 certainly threw a spanner in the works for Australian businesses, not least the Strata
COVID-19 & payment options for Strata Insurance
Are your Owners Corporation clients experiencing difficulties paying Strata Insurance premiums, as a result of the economic impact of COVID-19? We understand this is a real issue for OC’s around Australia, and want to let you know that there are options available to help alleviate the financial strain at this time.
COVID-19: Cyber Insurance more important than ever when working from home
Since the COVID-19 Pandemic hit Australia, cybercrime has increased dramatically.
Understand how you can mitigate the risk of cybercrime, and minimise damage inflicted by a cyber-attack.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) & Owners Corporations: Frequently Asked Questions
Coronavirus and Owners Corporations FAQ’s – clarify key concerns.
Coronavirus & Business Insurance
With Coronavirus (COVID-19) officially declared a Pandemic in March 2020, and the landscape changing almost hourly, there is an air of great unease across Australia. Aside from the significant impact Coronavirus is predicted to have on our health system, there are also implications for the economy and potentially your business.
Does your business insurance still fit the bill?
The dynamic nature of today’s economy means that business risk exposures and insurance needs are changing more rapidly than ever. When was the last time you took a step back from the demands of running your Strata Management firm, to assess whether your business insurance is still adequate? Does it
A breach of professional duty: Do you understand the risk?
Owners Corporation (OC) Committees are within their rights to proceed with litigation against their Strata Manager for a breach of professional duty if they believe the professional services provided are directly responsible for a financial loss incurred by the Owners Corporation. While the breach may merely be an error in
Why Management Liability Insurance is essential for all Strata Management businesses.
Owning and running a Strata Management firm carries with it significant responsibility and risk. Wrongful acts by directors, dishonest acts by employees, harassment, wrongful dismissal and statutory fines and penalties are just a few exposures that can threaten the financial sustainability of your business. Management Liability Insurance is designed to